Coming Soon to Leger Blog

Coming soon… Paul Reed’s Battlefield Blog.

Join in and experience the battlefields from Leger Holidays’ Head Battlefield Guide’s perspective as Paul Reed takes us on his personal journey through the Battlefields of Europe.

Our new feature will include regular updates from Paul. From personal encounters to new tour updates, sharing his wealth of military knowledge and research.


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5 Replies to “Coming Soon to Leger Blog”

  1. Been following Paul for quite a while on Twitter and Periscope. He’s a fantastic asset for you to partner with. His wealth of knowledge of both world wars is extensive. His passion and presentation style is first rate And he will provide your customers with an understanding of the conflicts they never could never have thought possible.

  2. Should be good, Leger’s Battlefield hols are brilliant as are their guides. Paul will be a good “blogger”. Looking forward to all the information imparted.

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